C语言操作mysql遇到[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now问题,如何解决?
日志如下,从第一个 mysql store result failed
的错误开始,后续的命令全都是sync错误;这个问题只要前端快速操作几次就一定能出现…… 改成了sqlite3到没发现类似问题。
23-05-05 11:30:11 | INFO | Server.GetAll | Select All success
23-05-05 11:30:11 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: select * from tb_video;
23-05-05 11:30:11 | INFO | Video SelectAll | select all finished
23-05-05 11:30:11 | INFO | Server.GetAll | Select All success
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Server.GetOneView | get recv from
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Server.GetOneView | video id recv! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Server.GetOne | video id recv! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Server.GetOne | video id recv! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: select * from tb_video where id='0105a290';
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Video SelectOne | id '0105a290' found
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: select * from tb_views where id='0105a290';
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | SelectVideoView | id '0105a290' found
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: select * from tb_video where id='0105a290';
23-05-05 11:30:20 | ERROR | Video SelectOne | mysql store result failed | err[0]:
23-05-05 11:30:20 | ERROR | Server.GetOne | video id not exists! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: update tb_views set view=15 where id='0105a290';
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Server.GetOneView | get success! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:27 | INFO | Server.GetOne | get recv from
23-05-05 11:30:27 | INFO | Server.GetOne | video id recv! id: [6d1db3db]
23-05-05 11:30:27 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video where id='6d1db3db';
23-05-05 11:30:27 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:30:27 | ERROR | Video SelectOne | query failed
23-05-05 11:30:27 | ERROR | Server.GetOne | video id not exists! id: [6d1db3db]
23-05-05 11:30:28 | INFO | Server.GetOneView | get recv from
23-05-05 11:30:28 | INFO | Server.GetOneView | video id recv! id: [6d1db3db]
23-05-05 11:30:28 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video where id='6d1db3db';
23-05-05 11:30:28 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:30:28 | ERROR | Video SelectOne | query failed
23-05-05 11:30:28 | ERROR | Server.GetOneView | video id not exists! id: [6d1db3db]
23-05-05 11:32:39 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video;
23-05-05 11:32:39 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:32:39 | ERROR | Video SelectAll | query failed
23-05-05 11:32:39 | ERROR | Server.GetAll | database query err!
23-05-05 11:33:04 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video;
23-05-05 11:33:04 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:33:04 | ERROR | Video SelectAll | query failed
23-05-05 11:33:04 | ERROR | Server.GetAll | database query err!
23-05-05 11:33:14 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video where name like '%鹅%';
23-05-05 11:33:14 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:33:14 | ERROR | Video SelectLike | query failed
23-05-05 11:33:14 | ERROR | Server.GetAll.Like | database query err!
23-05-05 11:33:15 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video where name like '%鹅%';
23-05-05 11:33:15 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:33:15 | ERROR | Video SelectLike | query failed
23-05-05 11:33:15 | ERROR | Server.GetAll.Like | database query err!
23-05-05 11:33:19 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video where name like '%鹅%';
23-05-05 11:33:19 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
23-05-05 11:33:19 | ERROR | Video SelectLike | query failed
23-05-05 11:33:19 | ERROR | Server.GetAll.Like | database query err!
23-05-05 11:33:20 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | sql: select * from tb_video where name like '%鹅%';
23-05-05 11:33:20 | ERROR | MysqlQuery.Err | err[2014]: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.28-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
自回答,问题已解决。从日志顺序上看,是在select one的时候,又进行了tb_views的update操作导致的。只需要在UpdateVideoView函数中加锁,就能解决此问题!
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | SelectVideoView | id '0105a290' found
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: select * from tb_video where id='0105a290';
23-05-05 11:30:20 | ERROR | Video SelectOne | mysql store result failed | err[0]:
23-05-05 11:30:20 | ERROR | Server.GetOne | video id not exists! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | MysqlQuery.Success | sql: update tb_views set view=15 where id='0105a290';
23-05-05 11:30:20 | INFO | Server.GetOneView | get success! id: [0105a290]
23-05-05 11:30:27 | INFO | Server.GetOne | get recv from
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