
【gitlab】nginx配置https反向代理http gitlab服务时,gitlab-ci不显示日志

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We got simmilar problem. We upgraded from gtilab v8.6 or something to v8.10.7 (bf9e01b7). We are using this command to start gitlab:

/usr/bin/docker run \
  -p 8030:80 -p 22:22 \
  --link redis:redisio \
  --env='SMTP_ENABLED=true' \
  --env='' \
  --env='' \
  --env='SMTP_PORT=25' \
  --env='' \
  --env 'DB_ADAPTER=postgresql' \
  --env '' \
  --env 'DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production' \
  --env 'DB_USER=gitlab' \
  --env 'DB_PASS=xxx' \
  -e SERVICE_22_NAME=gitlab-ssh \
  -e SERVICE_80_NAME=gitlab \
  -e SERVICE_ID=gitlab \
  --volume-driver=convoy \
  --dns=${XXX} \
  --dns-search=${XXX} \
  -v gitlab_mgmt:/home/git/data/ \
  -v gitlab_log_mgmt:/var/log/gitlab \
  --name=gitlab sameersbn/gitlab:8.10.7

We open gitlab in browser by Everything works but the logs from builds are not loading. We can click "RAW" to show logs and it works. We can also manually enter the XMLHttpRequest url over http in browser and it will redirect to https and we get a json with build logs.

My question is should we set the GITLAB_HTTPS=true and also GITLAB_PORT variables? We tried to set it to true, but then it just redirects forever. We just upgraded gitlab without changing any of the configuration so I'm wondering if something changed with getting those logs and we need to change our configuration now?

Or should I ask this in sameersbn/docker-gitlab project rather then here?

【gitlab】nginx配置https反向代理http gitlab服务时,gitlab-ci不显示日志

Thanks Andrzej