
全方位解析Spring IoC:(五)Bean的扩展

· 阅读数 3




<bean id="simpleBean" class="com.example.SimpleBean">
    <property name="name" value="parent"/>
    <property name="age" value="1"/>

<bean id="childSimpleBean" class="com.example.SimpleBean" parent="simpleBean" >
    <property name="name" value="override"/>
    <!-- the age property value of 1 will be inherited from parent -->

通过这种方式,子定义会从父定义中继承相对应的属性和方法,包括作用域、初始化方法、销毁方法或者静态工厂方法等(如有指定都可覆盖父定义);而剩余的其他配置总会以子定义为准(忽略父定义),包括depends onautowire modedependency checksingletonlazy init。另外,较为特殊的class属性也能被继承,如果子定义中没有指定class属性是可以从父定义中继承来使用的;而如果子定义对父定义的class属性进行覆盖则必须与父定义兼容,即必须接受父类的属性。需要注意,如果父定义并未指定其class属性,则需要将它的abstract属性设置为true

<bean id="simpleBean" abstract="true">
    <property name="name" value="parent"/>
    <property name="age" value="1"/>

<bean id="childSimpleBean" class="com.example.SimpleBean" parent="simpleBean" >
    <property name="name" value="override"/>
    <!-- the age property value of 1 will be inherited from parent -->







  • 构造器的自动装配


    public class SimpleBean {
        private final OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
        private final TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
        public SimpleBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean, TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean) {
            this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
            this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;


    public class SimpleBean {
        private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
        private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
        // 如果其他都不匹配时则会选择此构造函数,同时此处的@Autowired(required=false)并不是必须的
        @Autowired(required=false) // 非必须
        public SimpleBean() {
        public SimpleBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean) {
            this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
        // 预先被选择作自动装配
        public SimpleBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean, TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean) {
            this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
            this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;

    另外,从Spring Framework 4.3开始,如果给定的bean只定义了一个构造器,即使没有添加@Autowired注解该构造器也会被用来执行自动装配。而如果存在有多个构造器可用且没有primary/default构造器,则必须至少在一个构造器上标注@Autowired注解。

    public class SimpleBean {
        private final OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
        private final TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
        public SimpleBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean, TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean) {
            this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
            this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;


    • 对于标注了@Autowired注解的构造器并不必须是public的。
    • 对于将@Autowired注解标注在构造器上时,它的required属性是针对所有参数的。
  • 字段的自动装配


    public class SimpleBean {
        private final OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
        private final TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;


  • 方法的自动装配


    public class SimpleBean {
        private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
        private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
        public void injectOneInjectBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean) {
            this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
        // Setter方法是配置方法注入的特例
        public void setTwoInjectBean(TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean) {
            this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;


    • 对于标注了@Autowired注解的配置方法并不必须是public的。
    • 对于将@Autowired注解标注在配置方法上时,它的required属性是针对所有参数的。

根据上文所述,如果我们要将@Autowired注解标注在方法(含构造方法和配置方法)上时,它的required属性是针对所有参数的。而如果我们需要对部分方法参数忽略required属性的语义,那么我们可以通过将参数声明为java.util.OptionalJDK8特性)或者在参数上标注JSR-305注解@NullableSpring Framework 5.0特性)。

public class SimpleBean {

    private final Optional<OneInjectBean> oneInjectBean;
    private final Optional<TwoInjectBean> twoInjectBean;

    public SimpleBean(Optional<OneInjectBean> oneInjectBean, Optional<TwoInjectBean> twoInjectBean) {
        this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
        this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;
public class SimpleBean {

    private final OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
    private final TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;

    public SimpleBean(@Nullable OneInjectBean oneInjectBean, @Nullable TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean) {
        this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
        this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;



  • 对于数组(Array)、集合(Collection)或哈希表(Map)等依赖的自动装配必须至少匹配一个bean,否则将会启动发生错误(默认)。
  • 对于标准javax.annotation.Priority注解是不能声明在@Bean方法上的,如果需要类似的功能可以使用@Order注解或者@Primary注解来代替。
  • @Order注解仅仅可能会影响到依赖注入的优先级,而不会影响bean的启动顺序(启动顺序可由依赖关系或@DependsOn来决定)。
public class SimpleBean {
    private InjectBean[] injectBeanArray;
    private Collection<InjectBean> injectBeanCollection;
    private Map<String,InjectBean> injectBeanMap;





public class MovieConfiguration {

    public MovieCatalog firstMovieCatalog() { ... }

    public MovieCatalog secondMovieCatalog() { ... }

    // ...


public class MovieRecommender {

    private MovieCatalog movieCatalog;

    // ...





public class MovieConfiguration {

    public MovieCatalog firstMovieCatalog() { ... }

    public MovieCatalog secondMovieCatalog() { ... }

    // ...
  • 作用于字段

    public class MovieRecommender {
        private MovieCatalog movieCatalog;
        // ...
  • 作用于参数

    public class MovieRecommender {
        private MovieCatalog movieCatalog;
        public void MovieRecommender(@Qualifier("firstMovieCatalog") MovieCatalog movieCatalog) {
            this.movieCatalog = movieCatalog;
        // ...


需要注意,@Qualifier注解所指定的限定符与bean id所表示的唯一性有所不同,@Qualifier限定符想表达的是特定组件的特征标识而不必须是唯一性标识,仅仅充当过滤bean的标准。也就是说对于类型集合的依赖注入,我们可以将相同@Qualifier限定符注入到一起(@Qualifier适用于类型集合)。。

public class MyConfig {

    public InjectBean firstInjectBean() { ... }

    public InjectBean secondInjectBean() { ... }

    public InjectBean thirdInjectBean() { ... }

    public InjectBean fourInjectBean() { ... }

    // ...
public class SimpleBean {
    private Collection<InjectBean> injectBeanCollection;     

    private Map<String, InjectBean> injectBeanMap;






public class SimpleBean {

    private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
    private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;

    public void setOneInjectBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean) {
        this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;

    public void setTwoInjectBean(TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean) {
        this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;

public class SimpleBean {

    private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;

    private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;


public class SimpleBean {

    private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;



对于@Value注解,它主要用于向被标注了注解的属性字段和配置方法/构造方法参数提供值表达式,通过它我们就可以轻易地完成表达式驱动或属性驱动的依赖注入。一般,我们会@Value注解中使用SpEL(Spring Expression Language)表达式来注入值(#{systemProperties.myProp}风格或者${}风格)。

public class SimpleBean {
    @Value("#{systemProperties['user.catalog'] + 'Catalog' }") 
    private String injectValueString;

    @Value("#{{'Thriller': 100, 'Comedy': 300}}")
    private Map<String, Integer> injectValueMap;
public class SimpleBean {

    private String injectValueString;

    // 提供默认值
    private String injectDefaultValueString;


public class AppConfig {

    // 通过这种方式配置的PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer,@Bean方法必须是静态的
    public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
        return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();


Spring Boot中会默认配置一个PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer类型的bean,通过它我们就可以从application.propertiesapplication.yml文件中读取属性配置了。另外需要注意,因为@Value注解的处理实际是在BeanPostProcessor中执行的,所以我们不能在BeanPostProcessorBeanFactoryPostProcessor中使用@Value注解。




public class SimpleBean {

    public void init() {
        // initialization...

    public void destroy() {
        // destruction...

在使用@PostConstruct/@PreDestroy注解前,我们需要将CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor注册到IoC容器让其生效。CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor不仅可以识别JSR-250生命周期相关的注解:javax.annotation.PostConstructjavax.annotation.PreDestroy(在Spring 2.5中引入),还能识别和处理@Resource注解。


JSR 330注解





import javax.inject.Inject;

public class SimpleBean {

    private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;

    private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
    private ThirdInjectBean thirdInjectBean;

    public SimpleBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean) {
        this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;

    public void setTwoInjectBean(TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean){
        this.twoInjectBean =  twoInjectBean;


import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Provider;

public class SimpleBean {

    private Provider<OneInjectBean> oneInjectBean;
    private Provider<TwoInjectBean> twoInjectBean;

    public SimpleBean(Provider<OneInjectBean> oneInjectBean, Provider<TwoInjectBean> twoInjectBean) {
        this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;
        this.twoInjectBean = twoInjectBean;



import javax.inject.Inject;

public class SimpleBean {

    private Optional<OneInjectBean> oneInjectBean;

    private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
    public void setTwoInjectBean(Optional<OneInjectBean> oneInjectBean){
        this.oneInjectBean =  oneInjectBean;

    public void setTwoInjectBean(@Nullable TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean){
        this.twoInjectBean =  twoInjectBean;


import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

public class SimpleBean {

    private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;
    public SimpleBean(@Named("oneInjectBean") OneInjectBean oneInjectBean) {
        this.oneInjectBean = oneInjectBean;




JSR 330的标准注解中,我们可以使用@javax.inject.Namedjavax.annotation.ManagedBean来代替@Component来标注容器中的组件。

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

// 与@Component具有同样的特性:默认不指定名称同样可以
// @Named
// @ManagedBean
// @ManagedBean("simpleBean") could be used as well
public class SimpleBean {

    private OneInjectBean oneInjectBean;

    private TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean;
    public void setTwoInjectBean(OneInjectBean oneInjectBean){
        this.oneInjectBean =  oneInjectBean;

    public void setTwoInjectBean(TwoInjectBean twoInjectBean){
        this.twoInjectBean =  twoInjectBean;





 * Strategy interface used by a {@link ConfigurableBeanFactory},
 * representing a target scope to hold bean instances in.
 * This allows for extending the BeanFactory's standard scopes
 * {@link ConfigurableBeanFactory#SCOPE_SINGLETON "singleton"} and
 * {@link ConfigurableBeanFactory#SCOPE_PROTOTYPE "prototype"}
 * with custom further scopes, registered for a
 * {@link ConfigurableBeanFactory#registerScope(String, Scope) specific key}.
 * <p>{@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext} implementations
 * such as a {@link org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext}
 * may register additional standard scopes specific to their environment,
 * e.g. {@link org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext#SCOPE_REQUEST "request"}
 * and {@link org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext#SCOPE_SESSION "session"},
 * based on this Scope SPI.
 * <p>Even if its primary use is for extended scopes in a web environment,
 * this SPI is completely generic: It provides the ability to get and put
 * objects from any underlying storage mechanism, such as an HTTP session
 * or a custom conversation mechanism. The name passed into this class's
 * {@code get} and {@code remove} methods will identify the
 * target object in the current scope.
 * <p>{@code Scope} implementations are expected to be thread-safe.
 * One {@code Scope} instance can be used with multiple bean factories
 * at the same time, if desired (unless it explicitly wants to be aware of
 * the containing BeanFactory), with any number of threads accessing
 * the {@code Scope} concurrently from any number of factories.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @since 2.0
 * @see ConfigurableBeanFactory#registerScope
 * @see CustomScopeConfigurer
 * @see org.springframework.aop.scope.ScopedProxyFactoryBean
 * @see org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestScope
 * @see org.springframework.web.context.request.SessionScope
public interface Scope {

     * Return the object with the given name from the underlying scope,
     * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory#getObject() creating it}
     * if not found in the underlying storage mechanism.
     * <p>This is the central operation of a Scope, and the only operation
     * that is absolutely required.
     * @param name the name of the object to retrieve
     * @param objectFactory the {@link ObjectFactory} to use to create the scoped
     * object if it is not present in the underlying storage mechanism
     * @return the desired object (never {@code null})
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying scope is not currently active
    Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory);

     * Remove the object with the given {@code name} from the underlying scope.
     * <p>Returns {@code null} if no object was found; otherwise
     * returns the removed {@code Object}.
     * <p>Note that an implementation should also remove a registered destruction
     * callback for the specified object, if any. It does, however, <i>not</i>
     * need to <i>execute</i> a registered destruction callback in this case,
     * since the object will be destroyed by the caller (if appropriate).
     * <p><b>Note: This is an optional operation.</b> Implementations may throw
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if they do not support explicitly
     * removing an object.
     * @param name the name of the object to remove
     * @return the removed object, or {@code null} if no object was present
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying scope is not currently active
     * @see #registerDestructionCallback
    Object remove(String name);

     * Register a callback to be executed on destruction of the specified
     * object in the scope (or at destruction of the entire scope, if the
     * scope does not destroy individual objects but rather only terminates
     * in its entirety).
     * <p><b>Note: This is an optional operation.</b> This method will only
     * be called for scoped beans with actual destruction configuration
     * (DisposableBean, destroy-method, DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor).
     * Implementations should do their best to execute a given callback
     * at the appropriate time. If such a callback is not supported by the
     * underlying runtime environment at all, the callback <i>must be
     * ignored and a corresponding warning should be logged</i>.
     * <p>Note that 'destruction' refers to automatic destruction of
     * the object as part of the scope's own lifecycle, not to the individual
     * scoped object having been explicitly removed by the application.
     * If a scoped object gets removed via this facade's {@link #remove(String)}
     * method, any registered destruction callback should be removed as well,
     * assuming that the removed object will be reused or manually destroyed.
     * @param name the name of the object to execute the destruction callback for
     * @param callback the destruction callback to be executed.
     * Note that the passed-in Runnable will never throw an exception,
     * so it can safely be executed without an enclosing try-catch block.
     * Furthermore, the Runnable will usually be serializable, provided
     * that its target object is serializable as well.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying scope is not currently active
     * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
     * @see
     * @see DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor
    void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback);

     * Resolve the contextual object for the given key, if any.
     * E.g. the HttpServletRequest object for key "request".
     * @param key the contextual key
     * @return the corresponding object, or {@code null} if none found
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying scope is not currently active
    Object resolveContextualObject(String key);

     * Return the <em>conversation ID</em> for the current underlying scope, if any.
     * <p>The exact meaning of the conversation ID depends on the underlying
     * storage mechanism. In the case of session-scoped objects, the
     * conversation ID would typically be equal to (or derived from) the
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSession#getId() session ID}; in the
     * case of a custom conversation that sits within the overall session,
     * the specific ID for the current conversation would be appropriate.
     * <p><b>Note: This is an optional operation.</b> It is perfectly valid to
     * return {@code null} in an implementation of this method if the
     * underlying storage mechanism has no obvious candidate for such an ID.
     * @return the conversation ID, or {@code null} if there is no
     * conversation ID for the current scope
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying scope is not currently active
    String getConversationId();



  • Scope#get方法从基础作用域返回对象:

    Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory)


  • Scope#remove方法从基础作用域中删除对象:

    Object remove(String name)


  • Scope#registerDestructionCallback方法注册了一个回调,当此作用域对象被销毁时会调用此方法(回调):

    void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable destructionCallback)
  • Scope#getConversationId方法获取基础作用域的对话标识符:

    String getConversationId()



void registerScope(String scopeName, Scope scope);



Scope threadScope = new SimpleThreadScope();
beanFactory.registerScope("thread", threadScope);


<bean id="..." class="..." scope="thread">

public class SimpleBean {





  • BeanFactoryPostProcessor的作用域是容器级的,即BeanFactoryPostProcessor仅仅在当前容器有效。
  • BeanFactoryPostProcessor中与bean实例一起工作从技术上讲是可行的(例如,通过使用BeanFactory.getBean()),但是这样做会导致过早实例化而违背了标准容器的生命周期,从而可能产生一些负面的影响,比如绕过了bean后处理器BeanPostProcessor的处理。
  • BeanFactoryPostProcessor的延迟初始化标记会被忽略,因为如果没有其他bean引用BeanFactoryPostProcessor的情况下该后处理器将根本不会被实例化,这并不是预期的结果(对于下文提及的BeanPostProcessors同样如此)。
 * Factory hook that allows for custom modification of an application context's
 * bean definitions, adapting the bean property values of the context's underlying
 * bean factory.
 * <p>Useful for custom config files targeted at system administrators that
 * override bean properties configured in the application context. See
 * {@link PropertyResourceConfigurer} and its concrete implementations for
 * out-of-the-box solutions that address such configuration needs.
 * <p>A {@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor} may interact with and modify bean
 * definitions, but never bean instances. Doing so may cause premature bean
 * instantiation, violating the container and causing unintended side-effects.
 * If bean instance interaction is required, consider implementing
 * {@link BeanPostProcessor} instead.
 * <h3>Registration</h3>
 * <p>An {@code ApplicationContext} auto-detects {@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor}
 * beans in its bean definitions and applies them before any other beans get created.
 * A {@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor} may also be registered programmatically
 * with a {@code ConfigurableApplicationContext}.
 * <h3>Ordering</h3>
 * <p>{@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor} beans that are autodetected in an
 * {@code ApplicationContext} will be ordered according to
 * {@link org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered} and
 * {@link org.springframework.core.Ordered} semantics. In contrast,
 * {@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor} beans that are registered programmatically
 * with a {@code ConfigurableApplicationContext} will be applied in the order of
 * registration; any ordering semantics expressed through implementing the
 * {@code PriorityOrdered} or {@code Ordered} interface will be ignored for
 * programmatically registered post-processors. Furthermore, the
 * {@link org.springframework.core.annotation.Order @Order} annotation is not
 * taken into account for {@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor} beans.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @since 06.07.2003
 * @see BeanPostProcessor
 * @see PropertyResourceConfigurer
public interface BeanFactoryPostProcessor {

     * Modify the application context's internal bean factory after its standard
     * initialization. All bean definitions will have been loaded, but no beans
     * will have been instantiated yet. This allows for overriding or adding
     * properties even to eager-initializing beans.
     * @param beanFactory the bean factory used by the application context
     * @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException in case of errors
    void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException;







 * Factory hook that allows for custom modification of new bean instances &mdash;
 * for example, checking for marker interfaces or wrapping beans with proxies.
 * <p>Typically, post-processors that populate beans via marker interfaces
 * or the like will implement {@link #postProcessBeforeInitialization},
 * while post-processors that wrap beans with proxies will normally
 * implement {@link #postProcessAfterInitialization}.
 * <h3>Registration</h3>
 * <p>An {@code ApplicationContext} can autodetect {@code BeanPostProcessor} beans
 * in its bean definitions and apply those post-processors to any beans subsequently
 * created. A plain {@code BeanFactory} allows for programmatic registration of
 * post-processors, applying them to all beans created through the bean factory.
 * <h3>Ordering</h3>
 * <p>{@code BeanPostProcessor} beans that are autodetected in an
 * {@code ApplicationContext} will be ordered according to
 * {@link org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered} and
 * {@link org.springframework.core.Ordered} semantics. In contrast,
 * {@code BeanPostProcessor} beans that are registered programmatically with a
 * {@code BeanFactory} will be applied in the order of registration; any ordering
 * semantics expressed through implementing the
 * {@code PriorityOrdered} or {@code Ordered} interface will be ignored for
 * programmatically registered post-processors. Furthermore, the
 * {@link org.springframework.core.annotation.Order @Order} annotation is not
 * taken into account for {@code BeanPostProcessor} beans.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @since 10.10.2003
 * @see InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor
 * @see DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor
 * @see ConfigurableBeanFactory#addBeanPostProcessor
 * @see BeanFactoryPostProcessor
public interface BeanPostProcessor {

     * Apply this {@code BeanPostProcessor} to the given new bean instance <i>before</i> any bean
     * initialization callbacks (like InitializingBean's {@code afterPropertiesSet}
     * or a custom init-method). The bean will already be populated with property values.
     * The returned bean instance may be a wrapper around the original.
     * <p>The default implementation returns the given {@code bean} as-is.
     * @param bean the new bean instance
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @return the bean instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one;
     * if {@code null}, no subsequent BeanPostProcessors will be invoked
     * @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException in case of errors
     * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean#afterPropertiesSet
    default Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        return bean;

     * Apply this {@code BeanPostProcessor} to the given new bean instance <i>after</i> any bean
     * initialization callbacks (like InitializingBean's {@code afterPropertiesSet}
     * or a custom init-method). The bean will already be populated with property values.
     * The returned bean instance may be a wrapper around the original.
     * <p>In case of a FactoryBean, this callback will be invoked for both the FactoryBean
     * instance and the objects created by the FactoryBean (as of Spring 2.0). The
     * post-processor can decide whether to apply to either the FactoryBean or created
     * objects or both through corresponding {@code bean instanceof FactoryBean} checks.
     * <p>This callback will also be invoked after a short-circuiting triggered by a
     * {@link InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor#postProcessBeforeInstantiation} method,
     * in contrast to all other {@code BeanPostProcessor} callbacks.
     * <p>The default implementation returns the given {@code bean} as-is.
     * @param bean the new bean instance
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @return the bean instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one;
     * if {@code null}, no subsequent BeanPostProcessors will be invoked
     * @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException in case of errors
     * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean#afterPropertiesSet
     * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean
    default Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        return bean;



实际上,在BeanPostProcessor中我们可以对bean实例执行任何操作,例如对bean实例封装一层代理。我们经常使用Spring AOP的一部分基础类就是通过BeanPostProcessorbean实例封装动态代理实现的,不过需要注意的是对于这些bean实例(无论是BeanPostProcessor实例还是它直接引用的bean实例)都是无法使用Spring AOP进行处理的,即没有切面aspect可以织入它们。若存在这样的情况(将需要织入BeanPostProcessorbean注入到BeanPostProcessor)将会看到如下日志信息:

Bean someBean is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessor interfaces (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying).




当协作bean之间的生命周期有所不同时,通过简单的依赖注入就可能会出现问题。如果单例bean A需要使用非单例(prototypebean B,容器是无法在每次需要bean A时都为bean A提供新的bean B实例,因为容器只创建单例bean A一次,所以只有一次设置属性的机会。

一个解决方案是放弃控制反转。我们可以使用ApplicationContext在每次bean A需要时调用ApplicationContext#getBean来请求容器获取Bean B

public class CommandManager implements ApplicationContextAware {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public Object process(Map commandState) {
        // grab a new instance of the appropriate Command
        Command command = createCommand();
        // set the state on the (hopefully brand new) Command instance
        return command.execute();

    protected Command createCommand() {
        // notice the Spring API dependency!
        return this.applicationContext.getBean("command", Command.class);

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

但是一般不推荐使用上述方式,因为这需要业务代码与Spring框架耦合在一起。因此,Spring提供了另一种高级功能Method Injection,让我们可以干净利落地处理此情况。

Lookup Method Injection

Lookup Method Injection是一种可覆盖bean实例方法的能力。Lookup Method Injection实现Method Injection的方式主要是通过CGLIB库中的字节码来动态生成重写了指定方法的子类,并且在所覆盖方法中返回所指定的(相同容器中的)bean实例。

需要注意,因为Lookup Method Injection是通过CGLIB动态代理来实现的,所以需要被覆盖的bean和需要被覆盖的方法都不能是final。另外,Lookup Method不适用于工厂方法,特别是不适用于Configuration类中的@Bean方法。因为在这种情况下容器并不负责创建实例,所以无法动态创建运行时生成的即时子类。

这里以CommandManager类为例,我们将通过Lookup Method Injection的方式覆盖createCommand()方法来获取bean实例。

public abstract class CommandManager {

   public Object process(Object commandState) {
       // grab a new instance of the appropriate Command interface
       Command command = createCommand();
       // set the state on the (hopefully brand new) Command instance
       return command.execute();

   // okay... but where is the implementation of this method?
   protected abstract Command createCommand();


<public|protected> [abstract] <return-type> theMethodName(no-arguments);


其中,对于Lookup Method Injection我们同样可以以XML的方式和以Java的方式进行配置,下面将分别对其进行阐述:

  • 通过XML的方式


    <!-- a stateful bean deployed as a prototype (non-singleton) -->
    <bean id="myCommand" class="" scope="prototype">
        <!-- inject dependencies here as required -->
    <!-- commandProcessor uses statefulCommandHelper -->
    <bean id="commandManager" class="">
        <lookup-method name="createCommand" bean="myCommand"/>


    <!-- a stateful bean deployed as a prototype (non-singleton) -->
    <bean id="myCommand" class="" scope="prototype">
        <!-- inject dependencies here as required -->
    <!-- commandProcessor uses statefulCommandHelper -->
    <bean id="commandManager" class=""></bean>
    public abstract class CommandManager {
        public Object process(Object commandState) {
            Command command = createCommand();
            return command.execute();
        protected abstract Command createCommand();


    <!-- a stateful bean deployed as a prototype (non-singleton) -->
    <bean id="myCommand" class="" scope="prototype">
        <!-- inject dependencies here as required -->
    <!-- commandProcessor uses statefulCommandHelper -->
    <bean id="commandManager" class=""></bean>
    public abstract class CommandManager {
        public Object process(Object commandState) {
            Command command = createCommand();
            return command.execute();
        protected abstract Command createCommand();
  • 通过Java的方式


    public class MyConfig {
        public AsyncCommand asyncCommand() {
            AsyncCommand command = new AsyncCommand();
            // inject dependencies here as required
            return command;
    public abstract class CommandManager {
        public Object process(Object commandState) {
            Command command = createCommand();
            return command.execute();
        protected abstract Command createCommand();


    public class MyConfig {
        public AsyncCommand asyncCommand() {
            AsyncCommand command = new AsyncCommand();
            // inject dependencies here as required
            return command;
    public class CommandManager {
        public Object process(Object commandState) {
            Command command = createCommand();
            return command.execute();
        public Command createCommand(){
            return null;


    public class MyConfig {
        public AsyncCommand asyncCommand() {
            AsyncCommand command = new AsyncCommand();
            // inject dependencies here as required
            return command;
        public CommandManager commandManager() {
            // return new anonymous implementation of CommandManager with createCommand()
            // overridden to return a new prototype Command object
            return new CommandManager() {
                protected Command createCommand() {
                    return asyncCommand();


Arbitrary Method Replacement

除了通过Lookup Method Injection实现方法注入外,我门还可以使用一种以替换的方式实现的方法注入(不太有用),即将bean中的任意方法替换为另一个方法实现。在基于XML的配置中,我们可以使用replace-method标签来指定将现有方法替换为另一个方法。

这里以MyValueCalculator类为例,我们将通过Arbitrary Method Replacement的方式替换computeValue方法。

public class MyValueCalculator {

    public String computeValue(String input) {
        // some real code...

    // some other methods...


 * meant to be used to override the existing computeValue(String)
 * implementation in MyValueCalculator
public class ReplacementComputeValue implements MethodReplacer {

    public Object reimplement(Object o, Method m, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
        // get the input value, work with it, and return a computed result
        String input = (String) args[0];
        return ...;


<bean id="myValueCalculator" class="x.y.z.MyValueCalculator">
    <!-- arbitrary method replacement -->
    <replaced-method name="computeValue" replacer="replacementComputeValue">

<bean id="replacementComputeValue" class="a.b.c.ReplacementComputeValue"/>

这样,我们就完成了Arbitrary Method Replacement方式的方法注入了。
