
leetcode 2325. Decode the Message(python)

· 阅读数 37


You are given the strings key and message, which represent a cipher key and a secret message, respectively. The steps to decode message are as follows:

  • Use the first appearance of all 26 lowercase English letters in key as the order of the substitution table.
  • Align the substitution table with the regular English alphabet.
  • Each letter in message is then substituted using the table.
  • Spaces ' ' are transformed to themselves.
  • For example, given key = "happy boy" (actual key would have at least one instance of each letter in the alphabet), we have the partial substitution table of ('h' -> 'a', 'a' -> 'b', 'p' -> 'c', 'y' -> 'd', 'b' -> 'e', 'o' -> 'f'). Return the decoded message.

Example 1:

leetcode  2325. Decode the Message(python)

Input: key = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", message = "vkbs bs t suepuv"
Output: "this is a secret"
Explanation: The diagram above shows the substitution table.
It is obtained by taking the first appearance of each letter in "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".

Example 2:

leetcode  2325. Decode the Message(python)

Input: key = "eljuxhpwnyrdgtqkviszcfmabo", message = "zwx hnfx lqantp mnoeius ycgk vcnjrdb"
Output: "the five boxing wizards jump quickly"
Explanation: The diagram above shows the substitution table.
It is obtained by taking the first appearance of each letter in "eljuxhpwnyrdgtqkviszcfmabo".


26 <= key.length <= 2000
key consists of lowercase English letters and ' '.
key contains every letter in the English alphabet ('a' to 'z') at least once.
1 <= message.length <= 2000
message consists of lowercase English letters and ' '.


根据题意,给定字符串 key 和 message,它们分别代表密码密钥和秘密消息,要求返回解码的秘密消息。 消息解码步骤如下:

  • 使用 key 中所有第一次出现的 26 个小写英文字母作为替换表的顺序
  • 将替换表与常规英文字母对齐
  • 然后使用该表替换消息中的每个字母
  • 空格被转换为空格即可

例如,给定 key = "happy boy",我们可以得到 ('h' -> 'a', 'a' -> 'b', 'p' -> 'c', 'y' -> 'd', 'b' -> 'e', 'o' -> 'f')。

这道题其实就是考察一个字符之间的映射,我们先将 key 中第一次出现的不同的字符收集起来放入 seen 中,然后从左到右对应 a-z 的映射关系放入 d 中,使用 d 解码 message 得到的结果返回即可。

时间复杂度为 O(N) ,空间复杂度为 O(N) 。


class Solution(object):
    def decodeMessage(self, key, message):
        :type key: str
        :type message: str
        :rtype: str
        key  = key.replace(' ', '')
        d = {}
        d[' '] = ' '
        seen = []
        for c in key:
            if c not in seen:
        for i,c in enumerate(seen):
            if i==26:
            d[c] = chr(ord('a')+i)
        result = ''
        for m in list(message):
            result += d[m]
        return result			


68 / 68 test cases passed.
Status: Accepted
Runtime: 18 ms
Memory Usage: 13.7 MB

